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Queries all escrows for their chain UID, token, and total balance.

query All_escrows($max: String, $min: String, $skip: Int, $limit: Int) {
router {
all_escrows(max: $max, min: $min, skip: $skip, limit: $limit) {


curl --request POST \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--url '' \
--data '{"query":"query All_escrows($max: String, $min: String, $skip: Int, $limit: Int) {\n router {\n all_escrows(max: $max, min: $min, skip: $skip, limit: $limit) {\n chain_uid\n balance\n token\n }\n }\n}","variables":{"max":null,"min":null,"skip":null,"limit":null}}'

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  • max (ChainUID): The upper limit chain UID that should be returned. Does not include the specified max value.
  • min (ChainUID): The lower limit chain UID to start from. Includes the specified min value.
  • skip (Int): The number of results to skip in the resonse.
  • limit (Int): The maximum number of results to return.

Return Fields

Field NameTypeDescription
chain_uidStringThe UID of the chain that hosts the escrow.
balanceStringThe current amount of tokens held in the escrow.
tokenStringThe tokne Id for the token stored in the escrow.